Digital Element’s Enterprise Division specializes in development made
for hire. Please visit us at for details.
Digital Element Provides Art and Programming On Demand
Digital Element provides programming and art resources for Playstation, PC, set-top, and Nuon platforms. Previous experience includes work both in computer entertainment and business applications. Our clients include:
Developer for
Digital Element can provide a wide variety of specialized programming services. Our expertise and experience result in competitive bids for challenging, high-quality programming needs.
Leverage 3D world-building (landscape and world object) technologies.
Customize and extend procedural rendering functions to solve some of the design challenges with the set-top platforms.
Develop a custom game technology or an application, such as a customized graphics library.
The Digital Element art team represents a strong team of concept and production artists, who have worked together to create award-winning cinematics at competitive rates.
Cell Phone Development
Digital Element has worked closely with companies such as Blue Lava to bring multiple game titles to Verizon including Video Poker and Blue Babel. Digital Element is currently seeking publishing partners to bring ports of existing titles and new titles to market.
Digital Element’s development teams have worked together as a group for over 5 years for AnimaTek International and created several key products:
For details on Digital Element’s Work-For-Hire, please contact Don McClure