Movie produced by Digital Element inc.
A great example of leaves interacting with water.
Movie produced by Digital Element inc.
Italian landscape.
Nice example of the detail possible in WorldBuilder.
Movie produced by Digital Element inc.
Highly detailed demonstration of object distribution in WorldBuilder.
Movie produced by Digital Element inc.
A great example of tight integration of poser inside WorldBuilder.
Movie produced by Digital Element inc.
Nice example of a surf inside WorldBuilder.
Movie produced by Digital Element inc.
Deep forest.
Good demonstration of a forest project in WorldBuilder.
Movie produced by Digital Element inc.
Slow river.
Great example of a river inside WorldBuilder.
Movie produced by Digital Element inc.
An interesting deep jungle animation in WorldBuilder.
Movie produced by Digital Blasphemy.
Burned out.
A burned out forest by Ryan Bliss. Many more great WorldBuilder examples on his website
Movies produced by Wonderslime.
A movie which demonstrates that everythng is animatable in WorldBuilder. Nice example of the sun playing through the leaves of an oak. Many more projects on his website,